Recent Prescribing Guidance

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In March 2018 NHS England published new prescribing guidance covering 35 minor, short term health conditions which are either self limiting or suitable for self care. Traffford CCG has recently advised all GP surgeries that we must implement this advice.

A ‘self limiting’ condition does not require any medical advice or treatment as it will usually clear up on its own (such as sore throats, coughs, colds and viruses) and a ‘minor illness that is suitable for self care’ can be treated with items that can be purchased over the counter from a pharmacy. These conditions include indigestion, mouth ulcers and warts and verrucae.

The new guidance from NHS England recommends that GPs no longer prescribe medicines that are readily available over the counter at pharmacies. Vitamins, minerals and pro-biotics are also included. Patients who receive free prescriptions will not automatically be exempt from this guidance. The clinicians at Primrose Surgery will be following this new guidance and we hope that you will understand the reasons why it is important that the NHS do not issue prescriptions for items that can be bought over the counter.

Please click here for a list of illnesses which are covered by this guidance. More guidance from NHS England can be found here.